Thursday, December 24, 2009

Are You Prepared For Tricky Behavioral Interview Questions Like These?

Why did you leave your last job?

  • Have you ever been fired or forced to resign?
  • Why have you had so many jobs in such a short period of time?
  • Can you explain this gap in your employment history?
  • Exactly why do you want to work here?
  • Why should we hire YOU? What can you do for us that someone else can not?
  • Have you ever had problems with a supervisor or a coworker? Describe the situation for me.
  • Describe some times when you were not very satisfied with your own performance. What did you do about it?
  • Give me an example of a problem you faced on the job, and tell me how you solved it.
  • Give me an example of an important goal you had to set and tell me about your progress in reaching that goal. What steps did you take?
  • What was your role in your department's most recent success?
  • What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  • What have you learned from your mistakes?
  • What was the best decision you ever made?
  • Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses at work. What did you do?
  • How do you deal with competition? Are you a competitive person?
  • What would you consider an ideal work environment?
  • What are your long-range career objectives, and what steps have you taken toward obtaining them?
  • How well do you work with people? Do you prefer working alone or in teams?
  • Describe a situation when working with a team produced more successful results than if you had completed the project on your own.
  • What do you do when people disagree with your ideas?
  • Describe a situation where you found yourself dealing with someone who didn't like you. What did you do?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.
  • Can you tell me about an important written document you were required to complete?
  • What motivates you to go the extra mile on a project or job?
  • Describe a situation where you messed up, or your results were not up to your supervisor's expectations. What action did you take?
  • Give me an example of a time when you tried to accomplish something and failed. Were you discouraged by this? What did you do about it?
  • What do you really want to do in life? What do you see yourself doing five years from now?
  • What does it mean to be successful? According to your definition, how successful have you been so far?
  • What is the best thing that ever happened to you?
  • What is the most creative thing you have ever done?
  • You don't have the right kind of experience.
  • You may be overqualified or too experienced for the position.
  • What are your expectations regarding promotions and salary increases?
  • How much $$$ do you expect if we offer this position to you?

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

Interview Questions and Answers part II

15. What for you are the most important factors of an employee’s responsibility towards the organization?

These include constantly bringing your best abilities to do the work at hand, putting your time to productive use, being loyal to the company, being a good team player, valuing the work relationship, and being passionate about the products and services the company is offering.

16. Why do you want to leave your current job and join us?

You may have to answer this question either in the company’s application form or at the interview. Be ready with a good answer. You might say something like this: “This company is known all over the country/world and I would like to work for you.” Whenever possible, it is a good idea to come to a consensus with your current employer as to your reasons for leaving, as the new company might approach them to enquire about you. Again put the information you have gathered by research to good use. Your effort should be to show how your skills and talents match with the company. If you can impress on the interviewer that this is just the opportunity you have been looking for, great. Give several points as to how you can add value to the company. Do not give downgrade the previous employer if asked your reasons for leaving the job. This reflects badly on you. You should come across as a positive, and enthusiastic individual who can be of value to the organization for many years to come. Ideally, you should put across a sincere, long-term interest in the company- this creates the impression that you are not just job-hopping.

17. Tell us about what motivates you.

This is something only you can frame an answer to. It is helpful to look into your past. What were the times and occasions when you were highly charged? When was the time when you were not motivated? Looking into these situations helps to bring forth a concrete answer.

18. What are the essential qualities that make a good team player?

It is better to answer this question taking the work context. What is the overall environment of the organization- what kind of work does it do? Is the organization framework very strong? Is the work atmosphere informal? Are the teams permanent or temporary? A person’s individual idea of a good team member might be different from what the organization needs. Your aim is to present yourself as a good team member who meets the specific parameters of the organization. A lot also depends on where you are in the structure- are you a new member, a team leader or in a support position? Consider all these factors before you answer this question. Also study what are the specific problems the company is facing in its team building and how you can contribute to solve them. You need to make yourself into a good fit into the team and ensure cooperation from others.

19. Why should we hire you for this position?

The answer to this question must be ready in your mind even before you submit your resume and prepare the cover letter. Do your homework by researching into the organization and the job. What are the requirements. Next, take stock of your own skills, experiences and interests. Which of these are matching with what the company needs? In other words, how can you add value to the company? Now form a strategy as to how you will prove that you are suitable for the job. Have concrete examples of your contributions to the previous employers and show enthusiasm for the job you are interviewing for. Remember that you are at the interview to offer solutions to some specific problems/requirements of the organization.

20. What is your salary now?

This is a tricky question. The good side is that you have come to a stage where the company is going to make an offer to you. This is a good opportunity to discuss salary. In case you are pressed to disclose your current salary, it is better to mention ranges or a total package rather than go for an exact figure. You can say something like the current package is on the higher side of five figures. Some employers might ask to see your salary slip or some such proof, therefore be sure not to lie. This punctures your credibility. It is better to show that you are willing to take a step back as an investment in this new career. This is an area where you should market yourself well. It is important to show why you like the job and how you are suited for it- the compensation is important, but not your first consideration.

21. What do you consider as a reasonable starting salary with us?

Ideally you should stay away from talking about compensation till the company makes an offer. However this does not happen in many situations and the company tries to figure out your price tag, so to say. This question might be used as a filter, so you need to give a response. Research can help you here. How is the general pay rate for this job? Have you checked out other ads for similar jobs? Now consider your experience level and see if your experience matches this pay range. This can work as an indicator to calculate how much you can ask for.

It is also important to present your estimate in the right manner. If you don’t have all the relevant information about the job so that you can present a reasonable range, say it and ask for what you need to know. “Before we can talk about salary, I would like to know how many people will be reporting to me and what their experience and skill levels are”. It is also possible to ask in a straightforward manner how other people in the same position are paid in this organization. Try to get as much information as possible, and then present your quote in the form of a range. “Based on the information I have got now, I feel that a range of – to – would be appropriate for this position. However I am quoting this outside of your standard benefits package”. Peg this in such a way that there is some possibility of negotiation.

22. If you got a chance to get into a merry-go-round, what song would you like to play? What animal would you choose?

This is one of those off-the-beaten-track questions. The first step towards answering this is not to feel embarrassed. This means just that the interviewer is creatively oriented. Moreover this question is very much appropriate if you are interviewing for a creatively oriented job like an advertising copy writer. Enjoy the situation and go with the flow. Try to give an answer that comes from within and reflects your real personality. Be ready to explain why you chose a particular song/tune or animal. An anecdote from your experience would be a good idea. If you can’t come up with any such stories, at least give a song you have always liked and held a special meaning for you. A brief and interesting narration is what the interviewer is looking forward to. The same is true for the choice of animal. You can choose an animal you like and tell them why. It does not really matter which song or animal you choose- your explanation of your choice is what makes all the difference.

A Final Round of Tips

Okay, so now we saw some popular interview questions and some ways to tackle them. Let us finish off this session with a few general tips that help you towards success in interviews. Here are the tips.

  • Be punctual. Arrive at the venue at least 15 minutes before the appointed time. You can in fact arrive just in time, but it is always better to reach a little early to avoid last minute tensions. This also gives you some time to relax and collect yourself.

  • Be courteous from the word go. This applies to the way you interact with the reception, other people who have come for the interview as well as the interview board itself.

  • It is very common for the company to leave some of their material like in-house magazines in the lobby where you wait. Use your waiting time to read them.

  • Go for a firm handshake. However this does not mean that you have to break bones! Firm and not hard is the word.

  • Listen before you speak. It is very important to understand the question properly.

  • Use appropriate and moderate body language. This makes you appear natural and shows interest.

  • Do not hesitate to smile when needed. Also use nods and other non verbal feedback whenever needed.

  • Get your queries about the next step clarified before you leave.

  • Thank the interviewer before leaving.

  • Send a thank- you letter or email after the interview as a follow up.

Research These

There are the important aspects you need to research before appearing for an interview. These include the important products and services of the company, size (sales volumes, number of employees and turnover), geographical locations where the company has its presence, the organizational structure and major competitors. It is great if you can get to see the perspectives of the company’s clients, suppliers and competition. Another major area is recent news about the company and news reports about events that affect the company.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Secrets Of Good Luck

Good luck seems like random fortunate coincidences, but there are things we do that cause more of what we call "luck," both good and bad. Usually, we don't know we are doing these things, but what if we did? Could we then create luck? Yes. Actually, there are at least seven specific techniques you can use to generate more good luck. This article is about just one of those techniques, one of the easiest ones. It is simply choosing to recognize the luck you already have, until your mind is trained to do this automatically. Recognize Good Luck Once, when I bought a particular car, I suddenly began to see the same model all over. The other cars had always been there, of course, but now I was noticing them, because my mind was "tuned into" that model. Perhaps you've had a similar experience. This is how our brains work. We see more of whatever we are looking for or "tuned into", and this is true with luck too. Just look for it, and you'll see more of it. Why does "seeing" your luck matter? For two important reasons. The first is that you'll feel better when you start noticing the ways in which you are lucky. Counting your "blessings" brings a sense of gratitude that is good for your soul, even if you're not religious. The psychology of this process is real regardless, so this is a brain training exercise for a better life. The second reason is that when you start recognizing the luck you have, and watching for more, you'll notice that you "get lucky" more often. It won't be your imagination. Yes, you will actually have more good luck, and there is a logical explanation for this. Good Luck People may tell you that God or the universe blesses you when you have gratitude in your heart. This is a nice thought, but it's not my style. My more scientific explanation is that when you acknowledge luck, and habitually look for more, you create a certain frame of mind. This frame of mind helps you take advantage of opportunities you might otherwise miss. Here is a personal example: One day y brother mentioned that he's making money from simply hanging advertisements on his websites. Since I had no interest in the internet at the time, I might have just said "That's nice," and let it go at that. However, my mind is in the habit of looking for good luck, so I asked a few questions. A year and a half later, I'm making a good living writing about topics like this. You have probably heard the saying; "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade." This perfectly describes the frame of mind of a lucky person. When you recognize how lucky you are, even in small ways, it makes the possibility of good luck more real to you. This, in turn, gets you watching, and the watching gets you thinking, "How can I make lemonade from these lemons? How is this lucky for me? Where is my good luck in this situation?"

Self-appreciation: The Key To Living A Life Of Joy

How do you appreciate yourself? Or do you? Did you learn that being good to yourself was selfish? If you said 'No' were you bad? If you praised yourself or were praised, were people afraid you might get a 'swelled head'? Most of us get the message loud and clear that praising ourselves or others would lead to 'becoming conceited' or 'slacking off.' The tragedy of this belief is that, in fact, the very opposite is true. What you pay attention to expands. Self-appreciation and appreciation of others is based on love and acceptance. In other words, as I am willing to love me, I am capable of loving you. Much of what we say and do is called 'constructive criticism.' This means I tell you something supposedly for 'your own good.' What actually happens is that I judge what you do and say based on 'should' then I tell you how to 'do it right.' In other words, criticism is destructive and leads people to feelings of inadequacy: love and acceptance lead to feelings of self-worth. Remember: the most important task you have is loving and accepting yourself. What is Self-appreciation? Self is defined as the entire person of an individual while appreciation is defined as a judgement or evaluation; an expression of admiration, approval, or gratitude. Self-appreciation is about saying: 'I accept myself exactly as I am.' It is about acknowledging our unique gifts and knowing within each of us is a highly creative, skilled being just waiting for discovery. Self-appreciation is not about putting others down or thinking yourself better; it is about loving ourselves the way we are and in turn loving others the way they are. Remember: I can only accept and love you if I am willing to love and accept myself and acknowledge my own self-worth. In the final analysis, as the Dalai Lama states, "The purpose of our lives is to be happy." Happiness in my mind equates with joy. The joy, without which all other joy is diminished, is joy in one's self. Self-pride and self-joy are as vital to the individual as are air and water. Self-appreciation is the cornerstone in determining one's health, one's success, and one's abundance and prosperity in both our public and our private lives. Practical Steps to Self-appreciation

1. Declare your uniqueness. There will never be another you; another who is exactly like you; another who will make a contribution to the planet in exactly the way that you do.

2. Look for the things you like about yourself. Write them down and then focus on one thing a day, e.g. 'I am competent' or 'I am creative' or 'I am now creating my ideal life.

' 3. Forgive yourself. The past is over; know that you were doing the best you could with your level of knowledge and understanding at that time.

4. Use affirmations to remind yourself of your sacredness. Put them on the fridge, mirrors, wherever, to remind yourself that you are unique. For example, 'I like and appreciate myself,' 'I am a loveable, valuable person and deserve the best life has to offer

.' 5. Read books that inspire you. Books such as daily meditations, thoughts for the day, sayings and quotations from inspirational leaders set the tone for creating an attitude of joy and/or peace before you start your day

. 6. Practice an 'attitude of gratitude.' We have created much to be thankful for, our health, our abundance, and our freedoms. Carry a small notebook with you and write down everything that you are grateful for all day long. You will be amazed at all the blessings in your life - your friends, your family, your job, your warm home, the fact that you don't have to worry about stepping on landmines or getting your head blown off as you step out a door.

7. Be true to yourself. Live the life you have envisioned for your self. Don't look to others for approval; look within, and you will find it all.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Importance of Skills Emphasis on Job Interviews

Skill emphasis during the interview is important to show the employer what makes you different from all the other job candidates. In this competitive world, companies search for the most qualified employees by weighing skills of the candidates and determining how they would benefit the company.

Majority of the top companies search for employers who stands out based from their expertise, ability to give new developments, and pleasing personalities that would enhance the organization.

Skills are grouped into three kinds – knowledge-based, transferable, and personal traits.

1) Knowledge-based skills are those learned from experiences. These may include educational attainment, additional training, seminars attended, and other practices that you have studied to enhance your expertise.

Knowledge-based skills include computer and communication skills, marketing or managerial knowledge, product development, and many more. These skills vary depending on the field of industry of each job candidate.

2) Transferable or portable skills are those you bring to a specific job. This is the reason why interviewers ask, “What could you offer the company?” Transferable skills are important because companies strive to look for quality employees that would improve the development of the workforce.

Portable skills include problem solving, team leader potential, organized, writing and communication skills, customer service oriented, time and project management, and good with numbers and budget. This kind of skills varies depending on the experience and versatility of each job candidate.

3) Personal traits determine who you are. In a job interview, one of the most common things an employer says is “Tell me something about yourself.” Your response is vital because it would set the tone for the rest of the interview.

Personal traits include good judgment, well organized, analytical, goal oriented, flexible, creative and many more. Try to sell yourself in as modest as possible within a limited time.

* Self-assessment. In order to provide an impressive presentation, examine your resume and list all the skills you have used for each past job experience. Make a comprehensive list of your skills and strengths including personal traits, knowledge-based and transferable skills. This would be the basis for your personal commercial.

* Once you have completed your script, you are now ready to face the interviewer. Remember that employers are interested in your accomplishments. Use words that are concise, direct and clear.

Although many companies require a unique set of skills, you should still highlight your technical skills in the interview. These skills, which top companies usually seek, include leadership, communication, confidence, flexibility, problem solving and energy.

Emphasizing all of your strengths and skills on job interviews would increase your chances of landing the desired job.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Job Search Tips for Sales Professionals

Each specific industry has a variety of requirements that an employee has to meet. In searching for jobs as sales professionals, how do you prepare for a competitive environment?

Here are useful tips you could perform in searching the appropriate job and acing the interview.

1) Research: In order to be prepared on your interview, you should learn important facts about the company beforehand.

* The internet is one of the best ways to search for information and most companies provide their own websites. Study the content of the company’s website; know their background, goals, and information about the top executives.

* By using search engines on the Internet, you could also obtain news and additional information about the progress of the company, past projects and issues, and organizations where the company belongs.

* Review the stock market chart of the company. Since majority of shares are publicly traded, you could examine the recent stock price and learn the difficulties of its market over the past years. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the company will help you in the interview.

* Learn as many information as possible about its competitors. When you read articles about the market space, you will find out who leads the market and you can find out the company’s competitors. Having this knowledge could help you during the interview since you could be able to justify how the company is better than its present competitors are.

2) Attitude: Having the right attitude towards the interview and the job itself would ensure the position is yours.

* Majority of successful sales professionals have a unique energy that you can feel. They command a presence and hold the attention of everyone. Be energetic about the job and interview.

* Be enthusiastic. Since you have done your research about the company and its competitors, the interviewers will appreciate your enthusiasm and interest about the position.

3) Preparation: The position you desire could be yours as long as you show up prepared.

* Create a presentation by researching the products and services of the company. Be prepared to speak directly and intelligently about the company’s field.

* Provide statistics and industry related facts in your presentation. This goes to show that not only are you enthusiastic about the job, you are also aware of the condition of the industry.

* The fact about sales is its all about numbers. If you are asked about your numbers, simply provide them with production reports, past employment lists or a W-2 form of your yearly earnings.

By successfully performing these basic steps, your sales job could be yours in just a handshake away.

Matching Your Skills to Find Appropriate Jobs

Skills refer to the things you do well. The key to finding the most appropriate jobs in the industry is recognizing your own skills and communicating the significance written and verbally to a probable employer.

Majority of the most viable skills are those that are used in a variety of work settings. What are these skills? Would matching your skills to find the right job be successful?

* Determine your skills. This would help you in becoming the lead candidate of landing the job. A skill does not necessarily mean it was adapted in a work environment. If this would be your first job hunt and you have no job experience to date, you still have a chance in the industry.

Majority of skills, including knowledge-based and transferable, could be absorbed and developed as a volunteer, a student, a homemaker, or in your other personal activities. The skills you have used for these activities can still be applied to your desired jobs.

Organizing and listing your personal skills could help you easily fill out job applications, provide useful information for job interviews, and prepare quality resumes.

First, you should categorize the skills by separating your interests and aptitudes from your work experience.

1) Aptitudes and interest. These include all of your hobbies, activities you have been involved in the past, and all the things that interest you. By listing all of these down, you could examine the skills it takes to achieve each item.

Skills from aptitude and interest may be homemaking, playing basketball, fixing cars and many more. All of these items could determine if you are capable of working with a team, able to handle multiple tasks, have viable knowledge of human development, knowledge of electronics and ability to diagnose mechanical and numerical problems. The list goes on, but make sure to consider the skills that would be beneficial for a working environment.

2) Work history. This includes volunteer, part-time, freelance, summer and full time jobs. Once you have listed all your past employment, examine the skills you do work each work duty.

* Ask for help. As soon as you have your list ready, you could now go to job services that could help you acquire your desired job. You could also search job yourself. However, always remember to match your skills and abilities in your list to the needed skills and abilities of various jobs.

In most cases, people who seek jobs are threatened with job titles. This should not be the case. As long as your skills and abilities could meet the requirements of the workload and job title, your possibility of acquiring your desired job increases.

Tips for a Successful Local Job Search

If you are seriously searching for a local job, but you have no idea where to look, you may be just one of the thousands of unemployed people in the country. However, finding a job is easy when you know where to search.

Where can you find employers? How can you find your desired local job?

Before anything else, you should determine your skills and abilities, update your resume and be ready to face the employment process. There are several options on where to find employment.

1) Job Center: Job centers provide numerous vacancies for different kinds of work. Majority of job centers update their employment board frequently.

Originally, these career centers cater to young jobseekers up to 21 years old. They arrange for appropriate job interviews, which they believe, would match your skills and abilities. Some job centers also process training vacancies and apprenticeships to young people. Today, these centers also cater adults’ need of employment.

2) Newspapers: Local and national newspapers, non-profit papers and job hunting newspapers provide advertisements on current job vacancies. You could find all the existing newspapers in libraries and check all the recent job postings.

Majority of newspapers today have their content available online. You could browse through them one by one and list all the jobs you prefer.

3) Journals and magazines: Every industry has their own periodicals, magazines or journals. Most employers go to these publications for employing professionals. Some could be bought in magazine stands and others come by subscription. Therefore, if you are hoping to establish your career based on your finished field of study, you could subscribe to a professional magazine and increase your local job prospects.

4) Agencies: Employment agencies handle most of vacant local work. Covering all kinds of work for various industries, these agencies are listed in local directories and Yellow pages.

5) Employer grounds: Many companies have job vacancies on their premises. Since these companies such as food retailers make use of internal notice boards, they do not advertise in newspapers and agencies. You could walk into these companies and ask the front desk for employment vacancies.

6) Internet: The most cost-effective way in finding local jobs is through the internet. Majority of employment agencies, newspapers, top companies, magazines and job centers have their own website. You could save time by searching through them one by one and apply for the job you prefer the most.

Making use of all these options could save you a lot of time searching for your desired local job. You could use all of these methods simultaneously to increase your chances of employment.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ten Ways To Change Your Life TODAY!

When it comes to changing your life, it can seem like it will take years before you actually make
substantial changes. You might feel like giving up before you even get started.
What you need is a way to kick start the changes that you want to make in your life – and here
are ten ways to get started today.

#1 Change Your Routine

One of the simplest ways to start improving and changing your life is to change something that
you’ve always done. And it doesn’t have to even be related to the goal that you have in mind.
When you want to make changes in your life, you want to get the ball rolling somehow. To get
that momentum going, try changing small things in your life today.
For example, have you ever driven to work and not remembered how you’ve gotten there? Not
only is this a scary notion, but it also can be a great lesson in being aware of your surroundings
and how they’re getting in the way of your self-improvement.
Here are some simple ways to change up your routine today:
 Take a new route to work
 Eat a meal during a different time of day (i.e. eat breakfast at dinnertime)
 Change the order of your exercise routine
 Get up earlier or later than you normally do
 Do different chores around the house or ignore chores that you always do
The point of this exercise is to realize that while we might feel comfortable in our lives, it’s that
comfort and that ‘settling’ that might be getting in the way of the changes that we want to make.
Start the changes right now by changing other, not-as-important parts of your life. You may be
surprised at how different the world looks and much more likely you are to believe that bigger
changes are indeed possible.

#2 Look in your closet

In Feng Shui decorating principles, when you use certain colors and positions of furniture in
your house, you can affect greater changes in your life. Taking this idea a step further, when
you want to change something about your life for the better, doesn’t it make sense to start
changing your surroundings?
A simple way to do this (without spending your money redecorating your house) is to simply
change your appearance for a day.
You can do this by simply getting out of your clothing rut and trying something that is completely
unlike you. For example, if you wear black all the time, try wearing a bright and boisterous
color. If you’re someone that likes to wear colorful outfits, try something more toned down.
The point is to approach your outfit as you would your life – by changing it.
Your outward appearance can make your feel more confident in yourself because you know that
you look as good as you feel or at least, as you want to feel. And that confidence will show up
in your actions as well as your interactions with others.
People can’t help but respond to change. When others notice that you are holding your head
differently, they will begin to respond in kind. This is why you will hear the term, ‘power suit’
quite often. By putting on a costume of sorts, you can create a new you – a more powerful you.
If you feel that you don’t have anything in your closet to wear that will help you feel differently,
it’s time to start thinking about new ways of wearing certain pieces of clothing together. Maybe
you can simply wear a crazy pair of socks under your classic business suit. Or perhaps you can
choose larger earrings or a silly necktie.
Whatever makes you feel differently about yourself, try to incorporate that into the way that
you’re dressing yourself today.
Here are some other ideas:
 Wear a skirt instead of pants (ladies, of course)
 Try a different shirt with a suit – one that you’ve never paired together before
 Wear a scarf to accessorize
 Wear a different piece of jewelry
Go to the back of your closet to see what you can find – it just might change your life.

#3 Don’t lie

What would your day be like if you didn’t lie about anything? Think about it for a moment. We
all seem to lie about something during out day, even if we don’t realize it. When our food comes
at a restaurant, we might say that there’s nothing else that we want, even if the wrong order
comes out. Or when we’re heading to a movie, we might say to our friend or partner that we
really don’t care what show we’re going to, even if there’s one that we really want to see.
Why do we do this? Because we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings.
However, in most cases of lying, what we’re really doing is not being truthful with ourselves and
our needs. By considering what someone else thinks, we can place the responsibility for our
happiness on someone else’s choice – and one that typically doesn’t match our own
On the other hand, when we lie, we’re also not taking responsibility for our own actions and their
consequences. When we lie to our boss about a project or the bill collector, we’re avoiding the
issue at hand – and now allowing ourselves to learn from the mistake.
To change your life, you need to stop lying to yourself and everyone around you. This isn’t to
say that it won’t be a tricky thing, but it will be something that will dramatically change the way
that you approach your life.
Not lying for one day will make you slow down and really think about everything you’re about to
say and why you’re saying it. In doing so, this will create an opportunity for you to learn more
about the way you think and where you might need to make changes in that thinking.
For example, when you stop lying about whether or not you can talk to someone on the phone,
you might find that people that you really don’t care to talk to can be asked to call back at
another time, leaving you time and energy to do the things that you really want to do.
And that creates the space for you make the changes that you need to make.
Some call it ‘authenticity’ while others call it being an honest person; in any case, trying to be
true to your self and to others is a simple way to instigate a new way of living.

#4 Think like an optimist

Many experts will tell you that when you change the way you look at things, you will change
your life – and it’s true. If you’re sitting around expecting the worst of things, you’ll be certain to
find the worst of things. You’ll find all of your mistakes along the way to your goals. You’ll
notice all of the problems with your plan. And then you’ll stop trying because you’ve noticed that
everything is going wrong.
This is where a lot of people fumble on the way to their happiness and the changes that they
want to make. By trying so hard to recognize the bad things in their life, they forget about those
things that are working well.
For just one day, try to see your life through the eyes of an optimist – a complete optimist. This
might seem silly at first, but what you’re doing is bringing another perspective, an objective
perspective into your view of the world.
Optimists look at the world as though it only has good things to offer and in that thinking, they
see the opportunities for learning and growth, rather than the obstacles in their way. Instead of
getting upset about the car that cut them off in traffic, they hope that there wasn’t an emergency
that caused the driver to need to go so fast.
Optimism takes practice. What you might want to do is start thinking about your life as though it
were the life of a good friend that you have. When you sense that something is wrong in your
day, try to change your thinking to being more positive. For example, when your friend loses his
or her job, you don’t tell her that it was because they were the worst employee (though you
might tell yourself this), you tell them that it wasn’t their fault and that there must have been
another reason.
When you start treating yourself and your life the way that you would treat a good friend, you
start to see possibility in life, rather than problems.
An optimist is simply someone that strives to look for the good in everything. Just for today, you
can try to do the same. Is it a realistic way to be every day? Who knows? But what you are
doing is allowing your life to be as wonderful as you want it to be, and maybe as wonderful as it
already is. You just weren’t looking for it.

#5 Don’t have any expectations

How many times have you been disappointed? Probably hundreds of times, right? However, if
you think back to your times of pain and loss, many of these instances were the direct result of
having some goal in mind that wasn’t reached or some expectation that wasn’t met.
What if you gave up your expectations for a day? For one day, what if you said that you don’t
really care about what happens?
When you start to attach how you feel to something that’s out of your control, you are setting
yourself up for feeling badly. There’s nothing wrong with having goals and wanting certain
things, but when you start relying on the outcome to derive any happiness from it, you can
actually be stifling change and growth in your life.
In truth, expectations are just wishes and hopes. There’s nothing wrong with them, but many of
these same thoughts are based on a number of factors that you can not control – even if you try
For example, you can’t control how someone reacts to something that you do or say. People
are autonomous and will respond in any way that they see fit. When we start to attach our
personal feelings on how someone else reacts, we are setting ourselves up for feeling bad
about our lives and our selves.
The point of eliminating expectations is to start focusing on what’s happening right now – what
you can control and what you can’t. If you’re in a bad situation at work and your boss is yelling
at you, you can’t control that. However, you can control how good of a job you do – though your
boss might still yell at you anyways.
Just for today, try to remember that all that you have in your life is what is right in front of you.
Step back and recognize that true change can only come when you stop making it the end all,
be all of your existence. If you’re trying to lose weight, for example, all you can do right now is
eat better right now. You can’t expect that the meal that you eat today will affect you weight
loss in the future.
Nor can you expect that the one chocolate bar that you have today will ruin your chances of
weight loss.
Try to understand that expectations to which you attach your self-worth and self-esteem are
generally not worth meeting. It’s not about not setting goals for yourself, it’s about not making
the bar so terribly high.

#6 Make a mistake

Too often, you can start to believe that making changes in your life means that you have to be
perfect. However, logically, you know that no one is perfect, even if they seem to be.
Perfection has become a burden that we have placed on ourselves – even though it’s not
We all make mistakes along the way to our dreams, so why not give ourselves permission to get
things wrong once in a while?
Just for a day, try to remind yourself that it’s okay to make mistakes. In fact, try to make one
mistake during the day and see what happens. Does the world come tumbling down? Do
people hate you for not being perfect? Probably not.
Giving yourself a break is a great way to start changing your life. You’re acknowledging that
things aren’t always going to head in the exact right direction, but that you will make it there –
even if there are some shortcuts along the way.
When you start to relieve yourself of being perfect, you can begin to take chances and take
steps toward the changes that you want to make because you’re not held back by the fear that
you might be wrong. Being wrong is okay. You actually need the lesson of getting something
wrong once in a while – that’s how you’ll learn what’s right for you.
Think of how much lighter you will feel once you realize that people really aren’t watching your
every move, or waiting for you to fail – you’re the only one that’s doing that to your self. Instead,
allow yourself to falter, to tumble, and even to fall once in a while.
The real lesson in this tip to change your life is that you have to also learn how to not berate
yourself each time you do make a mistake. Instead, try to look at your issues as learning
experiences. When you make a mistake, think about what happened and how you might be
able to avoid that problem in the future. It’s not about creating perfection, but it is about learning
how to do better for your self.
You’re going to make mistakes as you begin to change your life or parts of your life, but when
you start to recognize that it’s not a bad thing, you can start moving past problems more quickly
and keep on, keeping on.

#7 Talk to a stranger

Although the world is more connected than ever was before - with the inventions of the Internet
and cellular phones - it seems that we’ve become more disconnected. We seem to forget that
we aren’t the only ones that walk down out streets or have problems. And this might be
hindering your ability to change your life.
The truth of the matter is that we aren’t alone, though we want to believe that we are. And once
we realize that we do have others around us that understand our dissatisfaction with our lives,
we can start to make the necessary changes in our own.
Reaching out to people is problematic, however, because it’s just not necessary anymore. We
can e-mail people or call them on the phone, but it’s the real life connections that will truly
remind us of the place of others in our lives.
There are a number of ways to reestablish this connection with the world:
 Talk to the cashier at the coffee shop
 Call a friend
 Meet up with your partner outside of the house
 Go for a walk outside
These simple ideas can help create the realization that you’re not alone in your want to change
the way that you live. In fact, establishing a connection with someone with similar goals can
help you more easily achieve your own.
If this isn’t possible though, at least be sure to reach out and talk to someone once during your
day. Make eye contact with them and genuinely care about them – if only for thirty seconds.
The point is to reach out beyond your self in order to find that other perspective.
For example, the cashier at your local grocery store that isn’t being friendly might be having a
horrible time in their lives. And while you used to interpret this rudeness as a slight to you,
perhaps taking the time to ask about their day will be the impetus that they need to change their
And in doing so, you can help to recognize where you are in the world, how you can continue to
make changes to affect your self as well as others.

#8 Quit your job

You don’t actually need to quit your job in order to change your life, but if you’re not happy about
the job that you have, what are you still doing there? The object of this tip is to help your
recognize things that you are settling for instead of making room for the things that you’ll really
enjoy having in your life.
Maybe it’s not that you need to quit your job, but it’s that you need to quit your attachment to it.
Many of us believe that when we do a good job at work, we’re good people who are successful
and deserve to be happy. But when our jobs don’t satisfy us, we believe that we don’t deserve
to be happy.
It is in this cycle, or others like it, that we begin to feel like less of a person that can make
changes in our life. So, to stop this cycle, we need to recognize that we are not what we do or
what we accomplish.
In effect, you will want to quit the power that your job has over you.
But how to do this? To quit the power that your job has over you, you will want to consider the
following pieces of advice:
 Try not to judge yourself by what you can accomplish
 Create a to do list, but make priorities
 Set the bar lower
 Recognize that what you need from the job and what your boss needs from the job are
completely different
 Try to establish a consistent work schedule
 Leave work at work
 Realize that work is just work
While that sounds like a lot of platitudes, one of the biggest lessons in the bunch is the idea that
work is just work. It can help for you to realize that while something at work might seem like a
major concern right now, chances are likely that in six months from now, it won’t seem like such
a big deal.
Just for today, try to think about your job as though it was the last day that you were working.
How does that feel?
You don’t have to quit your job to quit the hold that it exerts upon you; but if you find that you
can’t seem to do this on your own, maybe it is time to at least look at the classified ads for a
better place for you.

#9 Find an old hobby

Remember when you were a kid and you wanted to be a basketball player? You went to the
garage and started to bounce a basketball up and down. You didn’t think about how good you
really were at it; you just wanted to do it because it made you happy.
When you want to make bigger changes in your life, you will want to find a way to distract
yourself from thinking negative thoughts. And this is why often times, experts will recommend
that you pick up a hobby to fill your mind when you’re feeling a little less than motivated to
There are plenty of things that you can do:
 Knitting
 Sports
 Scrap booking
 Weights
 Crafts
 Etc.
These can all help you create a different focus for your mind when you’re considering change or
in the midst of making major changes in your life. Some experts have also noted that when you
are trying to break a habit, you will need to fill that time with something else, or else that habit
can easily return.
For example, smokers that are trying to quit often gain weight because they replace their
cigarettes with food. But smokers that turn to exercise or other hobbies often do not gain weight
as they are replacing the ‘bad’ habit with a good one.
What you may want to do just for today is replace the thing that you want to change with
something else. If you’re looking to change your diet to vegetarian, try not eating meat for a
day. If you’re thinking about going back to school, try reading a book that might be associated
with your course of study.
When you start to change the way that you are living your current life, you will start to see new
ideas and ways that you can change your life – and it won’t seem as scary.

#10 Thank someone that you love

When we’re changing ourselves, we forget how often others have stood by us when we weren’t
in the best of places in our lives. Instead of taking this support system for granted, today is a
great time to thank the people that you love.
While it sounds a little corny, just going around to people and thanking them for their support
and their understanding can start to solidify the changes that you want to make. You are, in a
sense, creating a new life by apologizing for the old life and moving forward.
But when you start to thank others for supporting you, you are also gathering their support for
the change that lay ahead. You are readying yourself as well as them for a new and improved
you – one that realizes that mistakes were made in the past, but wants to move forward.
Support is something that we all need, even if we are focused on making changes on our own.
The truth is that we aren’t always going to be as strong as we need to be. There will be days
when we will need someone to help us change our perspective or approach things differently.
When you’re trying to change the way that you live or the things that you do, you need all the
support that you can get. Starting off by simply thanking people for what they’ve already done
for you is something that doesn’t take any time, and makes everyone feel good about the future.
The idea of change is one that we are frightened of. It signifies moving away from what has
‘worked’ for us in the past and moving towards something unfamiliar. However, when you stop
to just make smaller changes in your daily life, you can start the process more easily. Change
doesn’t have to be startling and unnerving; it can be as simple as doing something different than
you would have before: reading a new book or driving a new route to work. However, in these
smaller changes, you can find the strength for the bigger changes.
If you can start with the little parts of yourself that you thought didn’t matter, just imagine what
you can do with the rest of your dreams and goals.