Friday, December 17, 2010

Business Career Training Makes Winners In The Business World

Though starting a business is not an easy task, managing it is even more difficult unless you
know how to go about it. However if you undergo business career training you will be much
better of as you will learn how to manage your business efficiently and make it a success.
You could become an entrepreneur with business career training. If you opt for business career
training you will get to know about money transactions and financial issues and how to handle
various aspects of legal issues that would concern your business. While you go about the
training you will get a clear and detailed idea of what you want to do in your business career.
However, before you start your business career training it is always better to decide on what line
of business you want to do and what line you would like to specialize in. Once you have these
facts clear then you can go ahead with the training.
1) Your business network should expand
When you do set up your business you also have to have a plan on how you are going to
expand it. This is something that you will get to know with your training with business career
training. Not only will you learn how to expand your business, you will even get to know on how
to manage this expanding business intelligently and not let it slide back.
2) You have to interact with a variety of people
While running a business you get to meet and mix with many people both socially and through
business activities. You sill have to have the ability to judge these people and know what each
one's behavior means and how to interpret it. This way you can be a good judge of people and
know how to do business deals with them.
3) Locate the appropriate business career training centers
Locating and searching out the most suitable business career training is a vital requirement. A
proper school that will suit your personality and have the activities that gets you interested aside
from the business career training programs they offer. You should not only follow a business
career but should also create a balance between the career and your personal life style and
extra curricular interests4) You will have more options if your credentials are better and more money
Those who are better qualified and a higher degree in business training are open to more
choices in their careers. All the better graded organizations prefer taking on persons who have a
higher qualification. Not only are there more options open for such people even their salaries
will be higher.
5) Business concepts are life concepts too
Just like our day to day life, business concepts also require the expertise to solve problems and
other issues that may come up on a day to day basis. This is something that you generally pick
up while going through life, but you can also learn about all this and acquire these skills from
business career training.
All these points will carry your throughout your business life and as you go along you will have
to learn more about what your business requires and hot to handle all the issues related to it..

Monday, December 13, 2010

How To Keep Your Spirits Up

Having a sudden shift in your job environment can be very traumatic, even when planned or
foreseen. No one likes to be the person picked to get booted out of a company. You can’t let the
experience embitter you because it will make you clearly unemployable in the future. Instead,
focus on the positive time spent building your skills and always try to exit gracefully. Ask if you
can get references and tell them that you enjoyed your time with the company and you are sad
to see it end.
There will be feelings of loss at some point. You might miss your colleagues, or at the very
least, your paycheck. If you are older, you might start to think that people are discriminating
against you because of your age. You might even feel betrayed, if the layoff was done in such a
manner as to make you feel discarded instead of let go. These feelings can be overwhelming
when you have no plan in place and see no future in sight. That is why it is very important to be
as proactive as you can in today’s market for your own well-being and peace of mind.
If, however, you see yourself succumbing to feelings of ill-will or helplessness, seek out
resources that can help you cope. Avoid using alcohol or drugs to ease your temporary feelings
of discomfort and loss. Recognize that this is all they are – temporary. If you can’t seem to
shake the blues, seek out a family member, a spouse, or even a health care professional who
can help you get over your feelings of helplessness. Even a pastor can help, if you are a person
of faith.
One thing you don’t want to do is wallow in self-pity forever. You can’t make a successful career
change when you don’t even believe in yourself to start with. While you have to pay some
attention to the things that have gone wrong, don’t forget to focus on what is going right for you.
This can also help you to keep your confidence and your optimism when things go wrong.
Always look for something in each day that you can say you’ve achieved and feel good about,
even if it is calling one person who is happy to hear from you.
With every new path there can be fear and trepidation. Those same emotions can be turned into
a sense of exploration and excitement. Try to look on this change in your life as a new lease on
life. You can do that, if you learn how to plan for the future and how to stay grounded in the
present. You can remain positive knowing that your plan will eventually bear fruit, even if the
going gets rougher or it takes a bit more time than you had planned. The fact is that just putting
one foot in front of the other in a directed effort will eventually lead you straight to you goal

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Your Seven-Day Career Plan

If you’ve read the career e-book, you will have the tools and strategies necessary to make your
career dreams come true. It will take a lot of work on your part and research too. However, it
can offer you a way to plan your switch in a smooth manner, even if that switch comes suddenly
in the form of a pink slip. So, do you know what you would do if you suddenly became a layoff
casualty? Would you be able to implement the seven-day career plan effectively? Obviously, it
takes more than seven days to prepare, but once you are forced to go up to bat, that’s when
you can be glad you had some idea of how to hit a homerun, instead of striking out.
Day 1
Let’s assume that day one is the day that you are actually walking out of your previous
employer’s company into your new life. It doesn’t matter if that change came about because you
planned it that way or because you got a pink slip. The moment you realize that you are about
to head out the door of your old company is the day the clock starts ticking on your seven-day
You get home and now you know what to do. You take out your career survival kit and make
sure that is as up-to-date as it possibly can be. You take out your career plan with the two
choices for careers you had entertained in the past, and you make a decision to either go for
one of these or stick with the work you currently do. You update your research and make sure it
is still valid. You will have a clear idea of which of your skills are marketable, if you kept your
career plan in shape, and which need to be upgraded.
Day 2
Since you were aware that many people face the prospects of having two or three career paths
in their lifetime, you are not caught completely off-guard. You might have a side business that
can be expanded already in place. You might have a part-time job that has been offering you
some needed training skills. Now, you can ask for more hours. You might even be in school.
Seek out internships or employment opportunities there, even if they are temporary. The only
things that can derail your plans now are finances, so you start to see if you’re in good shape.
You have a set period of time before your lack of employment might affect your credit. Use that
time to refinance high interest loans, take out credit lines for future use, and re-organize yourfinances. Seek to reduce your expenses and find ways to increase your income – any income
for now. Make sure to apply for unemployment compensation as soon as possible.
Day 3
Having gotten your finances and plan in place, now you want to start to network immediately.
Continue to attend the professional organizations you joined. Be sure to carry cards with a
contact number that they can reach you. You need to come clean to anyone that you are in the
market for a job or looking to switch into a new career. Now is the time to get returns on any
favors you may have made during the time leading up to your layoff.
You will be calling to make appointments with all of the local agencies and recruiters that you
investigated earlier. You should have a clear idea of who to call and how to network at this
point. If not, the chances of you making a successful career change in seven days is practically
You should be sending out resumes and cover letters to employers that are looking for your
skills. One of the first places that might be hiring is your previous company’s competitor. If you
want to stay in the same type of position, it doesn’t hurt to know who they are and contact them
when you are laid off. Just make sure you did not sign any non-compete agreements or you
won’t be able to be hired.
Day 4
After you have made your phone calls and set up appointments to meet with people you know
face-to-face, then you should investigate the online resources. If you haven’t posted your hiring
information online, now is the time to do so. As long as you are not currently employed, the
Internet can be a wonderful marketing tool for someone looking for a job.
If you are not looking for a job, but seeking to expand a business concept, then you will be
working towards expanding your customer base and seeking out new business. You will want to
use all the resources at your disposal, both online and offline. Look at what has made you
money in the past and just do more of the same to increase your income, for now. You can get
more creative after the financial crisis is over
As you continue to network and establish a bigger circle of contacts, you will start receiving
feedback on your chances at employment. The feedback can be very subtle, so you have to be
on your toes to not miss it. If after calling various people, no one wants to return your calls, then
you know you have a problem. It could be you’ve suffered a loss of reputation, your skills aren’t
marketable, or everyone is in the market for a job and you are one of many contacting that
person. Don’t take it personally. If you have established some good contacts throughout your
years of association with other professionals, you will eventually get a response from someone
who can help. Remember that it is often a matter of timing as to whether an opportunity comes
your way or not. Use the feedback to modify your goals, your presentation, and your public
Day 6
As you network and seek openings, remember to keep your skills up-to-date and your
professional image as polished as possible. If that means that you take work on a volunteer
basis to get you more skills, then that is something that can keep you busy and your spirits up
too. Just always seek to make sure that any free work you do is done with the intention of
helping your career goals in the future. Don’t succumb to using your free time for work that isn’t
going to contribute to your goals in the end. You have to be somewhat single-minded on placing
your feet firmly on a path that is not only satisfying to you personally, but that also can be
Take advantage of any free seminars or job placement services offered to people who are
unemployed. Spend your time seeking out professionals in the area you are targeting so that
you can network with them. Don’t just focus on making them your stepping-stone to
employment, also show your interest in the career path they are in. This is far more attractive
than a person who appears desperate to get a job.

Day 7

If you’ve followed all the steps outlined, you will be getting closer to your target day-by-day. It
may take seven days, it may take 30 days. It can even take years, if continuing education is involved. The key is to be able to weather a downturn in finances by having several options available to you. This makes you less desperate to take the first offer that comes along and gives you time to make a career change that is meaningful and lasting. The process can be reviewed every week and re-established, using the same formula. As they

Friday, December 10, 2010

Maybe you have a very specific goal in mind, but you need additional training. The career ebook
offers eight different ways to get additional career training. By locating the local training
opportunities in your area ahead of time, when you are laid off you won’t waste more time
searching them out. You will have already developed a plan that includes who to contact and
when in the event of a job loss.
Volunteer opportunities are discussed as a means to get employment training, however, there
are specific qualities that volunteer position must have for it to benefit you. Make sure you don’t
take a volunteer position that only offers you menial tasks since these won’t help to advance
your search in any way. The career e-book is clear on how to get a training position that can be
put on a resume and eventually serve as a stepping-stone to your future career.
If you have followed your plan closely, when the emergency arises and you lose a job, you may
even already know faces or have names and phone numbers you can call to help jumpstart your
networking strategy. You won’t be faced with the prospect of sitting home, unable to formulate a
plan or know whom to turn to. You will have a good idea who might be able to help you in your
job search or career switch.
Online Resources
The career e-book discusses the pros and cons of online resources. They can be an easy way
to get your name into the public arena very quickly. Online sites can also be a place where
many scam artists and time wasters reside too. You want to be technically savvy and make
good use of online resources while minimizing their potential to side-track you completely.
In addition, online resources are for a particular category of jobs. You can have great success
with entry or mid-level range job postings on online bulletin boards, but you will have no luck if
you are an executive. That’s because the more confidential a job is, the higher it pays, the more
likelihood it won’t be posted publicly online. Find out where to go to see executive postings and
also what online resources can be better than others

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Making Your Dreams Come True

Besides a layoff, there are signals within us that tell us we’ve either been at a job too long or the
winds of change aren’t in our favor. Learn how to start reading the elements of change to decide
when you have to take notice and be proactive. You can look on this as an adventure to
rediscovering the passion and ambition in your life. If you know how to successfully switch from
one job to another, you can have the freedom to create a life of happiness instead of a life of
drudgery. It will help to build your confidence and give you more life satisfaction.
You will come face-to-face with the statistics that prove some avenues are surefire ways to
increase your income and help you remold your career. You won’t be one of the ones who are
floundering, unable to decide which way to go for fear of losing a job you don’t like anyways.
You will have a plan, something the majority of people don’t have when they are switching
careers or trying to make a dream come true.
Learn how to overcome your own mindset and reach for a future that excites you. This means
learning what motivates you and what you enjoy. There is ample evidence that most people
have more than three careers in one lifetime. They can be as varied as turning from a medical
doctor to an artist and anything in between. You can re-invent yourself as long as you have the
commitment to follow your dreams while placing your feet squarely on the ground, one foot in
front of the other.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prepare Ahead Of Time

You don’t want to get to the point where you have been given notice and have absolutely no
idea where to start looking for a job or even what jobs you qualify for. Always know what your
skills are and how those skills apply to the present marketplace. This can take a review of your
skills, yearly. This should be easy enough as that is normally done in your yearly review, with
your supervisor. Keep a copy of all of your achievements and skills at home at all times. If you
are asked to leave a company, you may have little time to take anything with you. So, act as a
faithful employee, but keep records at home – always. Don’t leave them in your desk at work.
You won’t be able to retrieve them if you leave suddenly
Many companies ask you to specify your career goals and then evaluate how you did at year
end. This is a great strategy to help you plan on how to increase you on-the-job skills. You
should take advantage to express any areas that you think will also make you more marketable
outside the company and that can also benefit your own company. Always show how your
further training can increase the company’s bottom line. If it happens to increase your
marketability, that’s not something you need to draw attention to, but it can be invaluable during
a layoff.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Managing An Unexpected Career Change

If you are one of the millions of people who get an unexpected pink slip, the fact that you are getting laid off can be terrifying. It doesn’t have to be that way, but many people don’t prepare
themselves for the eventuality of a career change and prefer instead to coast through life. When market forces or a major illness interrupt their career, they may have no idea how to start a new career. Let’s be clear, you can switch into another career quickly, but not if you don’t plan your strategies way ahead of time. Once the emergency hits, you won’t have the calm head required to look at all your options objectively. So, don’t wait until something happens to force you out of your career, be proactive and start looking at ways to manage a potential career change even if your job seems as secure as the rock of Gibraltar.
In this career planner, several different strategies will be discussed that can help you make a successful career change in a week, should the unexpected arise. They are the foundation for
making a smooth transition. Each of these strategies may take time to settle in and that is why you need to do them before you actually attempt to switch careers. You want to lay the foundation and be prepared, just like you would if a hurricane were getting ready to strike your town. Don’t expect the government forces to be able to reach your door to help you, in that event. and prepare to take control of your own life.
Some of the items to be discussed will seem like common sense to you. They are. There is no magic bullet that makes one suddenly qualified for a new position at just the right time. It takes a
common sense approach and the ability to plan and strategics for all contingencies. It starts with a willingness to be realistically appraise your own skills and the determination to do the hard work to make your own future secure, without relying on chance or fate. So, the advice given here can help you whether you are laid off or whether you are making a leap into selfemployment. If you have the strategies in place when the time comes to quit your job or leave, then you can utilize the seven day plan to keep you on the right road to future income. It can give you a feeling of security in rough times and it can help to motivate you. The worst thing that can happen when you are suddenly without work is that you decide to take it easy for a while. That is not the time to take it easy, that’s the time to take out your plan and focus on some strategies to either get you gainfully employed or make a dream come true. It all depends on how much you’ve prepared in advance as to how easily you can move from having no job to being in total
control of your life