Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Preparing For The Interview

Being prepared for an interview can mean the difference between getting the job offer or not.
You cannot depend just on your qualifications and experience. Most employers surveyed state
that in the majority of cases it is the candidate that interviews the best that usually gets the job
offer regardless of their prior experience and skill level. Getting the interview right is essential.
In this article we will attempt to give you some advice on how to prepare for your next interview
and hopefully get the job you want.
Preparation is key in an interview. If you show up with details that employer needs then you will
be putting forth the right impression. Having a fact or data sheet handy with references and
contact information is a good idea. This shows the employer that you are keen and willing to
take the time to think ahead.
Although your prior work experience won’t seal the job for you, it is still important. Try to talk
about what you learned from your previous position. Stay positive about your previous employer
as well, even if it was a less than ideal working environment. Talk about skills you may have
acquired that will benefit you in this job. The less training they have to give you the better in their
In an interview, you should always remain positive and upbeat. Don’t fall into the trap of being
negative about former employers. Many times this is a test to see how discreet you are. Even if
you have had negative working experiences try to put a positive spin on it. You can talk about
how that experience helped you to grow and become more tolerant. This will show the employer
your willingness to be flexible and work with others.
Through preparation and remaining positive, you will put your best foot forward and greatly
increase your chances of getting that job. Make sure you include your life experience and what
you have learned. These aspects combined with a good interview will get you the job

Job interviews are about as much fun as a trip to the dentist. There just about as painful but
necessary if you want to reap the rewards. By preparing yourself ahead of time you can greatly
increase your chances of the interview going well and getting the job offer. In this article we will
attempt to demonstrate what employers look for. We will also offer advice on how to answer
those questions for which there is no correct response.
Generally, an employer will start of the interview with introductions. They may then offer you the
chance to speak about yourself. Try to keep this relevant to the position on offer. The employer
wants to know why they should hire you they don’t need your life story. Mention any prior work
history and how this will help you in this position.
The employer may ask you about the company and what you already know. Before the
interview you should do some research and learn some basics about the company. This shows
the employer that you are keen and have an interest in working their.
Nearly every interview contains that dreaded question, what are your weaknesses? The worst
answer you can possibly give is that you have none. Everyone has weaknesses and the
employer will know this. They are asking this question to test your honestly and see how you
work through your weaknesses. For example, you could say, I create to do lists, to make sure I
remember everything and stay organized. With any weakness make sure you have some
method of dealing with it. This is the best way around this question everyone hates.
You will likely get the opportunity to speak about your strengths. Take full advantage of this
opportunity but keep your strengths specific to those qualities that will make you a desirable
employee. If you’re applying for an office or corporate type position, the fact that you are county
darts champion likely isn’t relevant.
Job interviews are seldom fun. However, with some preparation and by knowing what to expect,
they can be slightly less daunting. Having the ability to answer questions well and keeping the
answers relevant to the position could tip the balance in your favor..

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