Sunday, August 30, 2009

Things To Ask The Interviewer

When the interview ends, you will likely be given the chance to ask your own questions. It is
wise to prepare some ahead of time, failure to ask anything looks like you want to end quickly.
Good questions presented to the employer make you look like you have a genuine interest in
the company.
A good question to ask is who your immediate supervisor will be. You need to know if you can
get along with this person and this is a good opportunity to find out. You may also get the
chance to meet this person and make a good impression on them as well.
Another good question to ask is when a hiring decision will be made. This shows your sense of
urgency and your keenness to start working. You may also want to ask how successful
candidates will be notified.
Asking about possible advancement opportunities is a good question. This shows that you may
be willing to stay with the company long term. Companies always look on this as positive. It also
shows that you are ambitious and goal oriented. You may also want to ask about training
opportunities within the company. This is a good question to complement advancement.
Finally, the appropriate dress code is a good point to rise. It shows that you are detail oriented
and want to make a good impression.
To get that job offer, you need to have a successful interview. Employers rarely hire the person
on experience and qualifications alone. Most of the time it is the candidate that gives the best
interview. By knowing how to present yourself in the best possible way, you can guarantee
yourself success

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Keeping The Past From Haunting You

Unless you are interviewing for the very first time, you likely have worked before. In fact, most of
us will have several job interviews in our lifetime. We will also have had several previous work
experiences ranging from great to absolutely terrible. You want to list your work experience but
you don’t want a prior bad job or employer from hurting your chances of getting hired. There are
some techniques that you can practice to help you keep your past from haunting you.
You will likely be asked about your last position or positions. Try to remain positive and keep a
good spin on things. Never say you left because you were dismissed, or let go. Say things like
you left because you felt you had grown as much as you possibly could at that company. Also
speak about what you learned while working there and how your experience will help them.
Even if your last employer was horrible, do not say anything negative. Many times this is a test
of discretion and by being negative you will fail it. You can mention things you liked and disliked
in a professional way.
If you have had a long absence from work, you will be asked to explain why. Again, keep
positive. Explain that you wanted to find a company that you could settle down in. Employers
will like this. If you can convince them you want to stay on long term, your chances of getting
hired will increase. Companies spend a huge amount hiring and retraining new recruits, so
someone who will stay on for the long term will look very attractive to them.
By staying positive and not insulting past employers, you can go a long way towards keeping
the past from haunting you.

Friday, August 21, 2009

interview questions

Knowing what to expect can mean the difference between performing well and making a fool out
interviewof yourself. If you know what to expect you can better prepare yourself for the challenging questions and scenarios they may pose.
Generally, when you begin and interview there is a period of introduction. Once those have
been completed, you may be offered the opportunity to speak about yourself. You should really
try to keep this relevant to the current job offer. Although your personal life maybe of great
interest, the time for an interview is limited so best stick to what they need to know and want to
You may be asked to demonstrate your current knowledge of the company. You may be asked
this directly or in the form of a question such as. Why would you like to work for us? Prepare
yourself by doing some research about the company. This shows the employer that you have a
genuine interest in working for them and are not afraid of doing some research.
Nearly every interview asks that dreaded question, what are your weaknesses? The worst
answer that you can give is none at all. Everyone has weaknesses so this answer will not
impress. This question is more a test of your answering skills than anything. Speak about how
you deal with your weaknesses. I make lists of things to do to make sure I remember everything
or I use spell check to make sure everything is correct. This answers show your weaknesses
and how you cope.
You will also likely get the opportunity to speak about your strengths. Although you may have
many, keep these relevant to the job on offer. Again, interview time is limited and you don’t want
to waste opportunities.
Preparing yourself ahead of time and knowing what to expect can make a great difference in
how well you perform in an interview. By being able to handle yourself well, you’ll be able to
make that important first impression.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What You Can Expect From An Interview

Knowing what to expect can mean the difference between performing well and making a fool out
of yourself. If you know what to expect you can better prepare yourself for the challenging
questions and scenarios they may pose.
Generally, when you begin and interview there is a period of introduction. Once those have
been completed, you may be offered the opportunity to speak about yourself. You should really
try to keep this relevant to the current job offer. Although your personal life maybe of great
interest, the time for an interview is limited so best stick to what they need to know and want to
You may be asked to demonstrate your current knowledge of the company. You may be asked
this directly or in the form of a question such as. Why would you like to work for us? Prepare
yourself by doing some research about the company. This shows the employer that you have a
genuine interest in working for them and are not afraid of doing some research.
Nearly every interview asks that dreaded question, what are your weaknesses? The worst
answer that you can give is none at all. Everyone has weaknesses so this answer will not
impress. This question is more a test of your answering skills than anything. Speak about how
you deal with your weaknesses. I make lists of things to do to make sure I remember everything
or I use spell check to make sure everything is correct. This answers show your weaknesses
and how you cope.
You will also likely get the opportunity to speak about your strengths. Although you may have
many, keep these relevant to the job on offer. Again, interview time is limited and you don’t want
to waste opportunities.
Preparing yourself ahead of time and knowing what to expect can make a great difference in
how well you perform in an interview. By being able to handle yourself well, you’ll be able to
make that important first impression.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interview For Success

Having a job interview is seldom a pleasant experience. However, it doesn’t have to be pure
torture as many interpret it. Many people fall into the trap of second guessing themselves. This
creates worry, which can lead to panic. The end result is, someone else gets the job and not
you. In this article we will offer some useful advice on how to behave and conduct yourself at
your next job interview. We will look at some interviewing techniques and ways to make that
needed impression on your possibly new employer.
Being prepared for the interview could mean the difference between getting the job and not.
Employers will usually hire the person that makes the best impression at the interview. This is
quite often over people who have far more skills, qualifications and experience. Being prepared
can quite often make or break the interview.
Have everything the employer wants handy. Making a fact or data sheet can make a very good
impression. It shows the employer that you are keen and organized. Include referenced and
your contact details.
When asked about your previous work experience, try to stay positive. Think about how this
experience has helped prepare you for the job on offer. Even if your last position wasn’t idea,
remain positive. Keep to how this job has helped you and prepared you for this position. Don’t
fall into the trap of being negative about former employers. This looks very bad and
You may want to try preparing some responses ahead of time. This will help you think on your
feet when they ask you something that you may not expect. Think about how you can word
things to put that all important positive spin on them.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

how to earn from the internet

he internet offers many opportunities to make money online right from the convenience of your home. If you are new to internet marketing, you can easily get started without any training or special skills. You don`t even need to initially invest anything, other than your time, to market products or offer services.
Here are a few tips on how to earn money online that can get you on your way:

1. Sell products on eBay or Craigslist.
Both are popular venues to sell products. Start by getting rid of junk you have around the house. From there you can find other items to sell. You could even buy products on one site and sell on the other
2. Blog for profit. Blogs are easy to add content to and a way to sell affiliate products from. If you don't want to invest in a domain and the cost for hosting a website, you can get a free blog at Blogger. Pick a niche you have an interest in and some knowledge about. You can find products to promote and earn commission through affiliate programs from Clickbank, Commission Junction. Amazon and many others

3. Offer freelance services. Whether it's content writing, web designing, programming or any other type of service, there is a huge demand. Visit webmaster forums as you will find numerous webmasters looking for various services, where you can advertise yours for free

4. Create and sell your own product. If you have an interest in photography, you could sell your photos and images to stock photo sites. Some other products that can be created and sold include ebooks, web templates and even sound clips.

6 Tips for an Efficient and Professional Work at Home Jobs

Moms out there can make their time profitable with their kids with work at home jobs for moms. This kind of work is the best way for moms to use their time efficiently while taking care of their children. Some of the mothers out there find it boring when their life is a routine like taking care of the baby and doing some household chores. With many available work at home jobs, moms can now use their time wisely and profitably.

working at home now is not only applicable for those who quit from their day job and wants to work from home, but this is also applicable for those moms at home doing nothing but just taking care of the kids. Nowadays, millions of people who are looking for a real work at home jobs are mothers. The reason for this is that they desire for more quality time with their love ones and they want to avoid daycare expenses. Work at home jobs for moms is the best option for moms because this kind of work will provide what they want such as the time, savings, and earning extra income

Truthfully, work at home jobs for mothers is the best way for mothers to perform their responsibilities and at the same time earn income which can help in their daily living costs. With so many options for work at home jobs for mothers, it is important for moms to choose the one that suite them and that they can handle well. It is also vital to choose the real work at home jobs for moms in order for them not to be scammed. It's fun for moms to have a work from home jobs and at the same time away from any scam issues. It's also fun if they can perform their work efficiently and professionally. Here are some tips on how to become an efficient and professional moms in work at home jobs.

1. Separate the needs of your kids from your work. Do not let your family totally trample your job-related restrictions. In this way, you will be more professional with your working in your work at home job.

2. You must always show total professionalism on the phone, regardless of the person you are talking to.

3. If you're one who has work at home jobs for moms that entail incoming telephone calls, you must not let other family members answer your business phone calls especially children. If your family member always answers your business phone calls, make sure that you have accurately trained them how to get a message or put the caller on hold.

4. Be serious with your commitments. People having a work at home jobs can easily be given an impression of not serious if promises are not met on time or not kept on time.

5. Working at home moms must be well groomed also even if they are just working at home. One of the best parts of working at home is that you can work with your pajamas on, but working at home and dealing through phone, mail, or email, you will feel and work more professional if you are well groomed and dressed properly when you begin to work. This is really a great way of starting any work at home jobs for moms.

6- you must always not take short cuts even if they're busy or not focused. Always keep performing your job exactly the way you do it in your previous office or the way it is usually done in a workplace. Making shortcuts with your job will lead you to become unsuccessful and not earn enough income.

Working at home moms get the benefit of making extra income and the pleasure of being with their family. To enjoy in this kind of work, as a mom it's important that you deal with it in an efficient and professional way.