Thursday, August 27, 2009

Keeping The Past From Haunting You

Unless you are interviewing for the very first time, you likely have worked before. In fact, most of
us will have several job interviews in our lifetime. We will also have had several previous work
experiences ranging from great to absolutely terrible. You want to list your work experience but
you don’t want a prior bad job or employer from hurting your chances of getting hired. There are
some techniques that you can practice to help you keep your past from haunting you.
You will likely be asked about your last position or positions. Try to remain positive and keep a
good spin on things. Never say you left because you were dismissed, or let go. Say things like
you left because you felt you had grown as much as you possibly could at that company. Also
speak about what you learned while working there and how your experience will help them.
Even if your last employer was horrible, do not say anything negative. Many times this is a test
of discretion and by being negative you will fail it. You can mention things you liked and disliked
in a professional way.
If you have had a long absence from work, you will be asked to explain why. Again, keep
positive. Explain that you wanted to find a company that you could settle down in. Employers
will like this. If you can convince them you want to stay on long term, your chances of getting
hired will increase. Companies spend a huge amount hiring and retraining new recruits, so
someone who will stay on for the long term will look very attractive to them.
By staying positive and not insulting past employers, you can go a long way towards keeping
the past from haunting you.

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