Sunday, August 16, 2009

What You Can Expect From An Interview

Knowing what to expect can mean the difference between performing well and making a fool out
of yourself. If you know what to expect you can better prepare yourself for the challenging
questions and scenarios they may pose.
Generally, when you begin and interview there is a period of introduction. Once those have
been completed, you may be offered the opportunity to speak about yourself. You should really
try to keep this relevant to the current job offer. Although your personal life maybe of great
interest, the time for an interview is limited so best stick to what they need to know and want to
You may be asked to demonstrate your current knowledge of the company. You may be asked
this directly or in the form of a question such as. Why would you like to work for us? Prepare
yourself by doing some research about the company. This shows the employer that you have a
genuine interest in working for them and are not afraid of doing some research.
Nearly every interview asks that dreaded question, what are your weaknesses? The worst
answer that you can give is none at all. Everyone has weaknesses so this answer will not
impress. This question is more a test of your answering skills than anything. Speak about how
you deal with your weaknesses. I make lists of things to do to make sure I remember everything
or I use spell check to make sure everything is correct. This answers show your weaknesses
and how you cope.
You will also likely get the opportunity to speak about your strengths. Although you may have
many, keep these relevant to the job on offer. Again, interview time is limited and you don’t want
to waste opportunities.
Preparing yourself ahead of time and knowing what to expect can make a great difference in
how well you perform in an interview. By being able to handle yourself well, you’ll be able to
make that important first impression.

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